Church Vestments and Textile Furnishings



     Vestments can be an expensive investment. They may be paid for in several ways: memorials, fund raisers, special collections, or donations.

     In some churches it is a custom to make a memorial donation of a set of vestments when a loved one dies. Also, some families donate a white vestment set to be worn for their daughter’s wedding ceremony.

     Organizations such as the altar societies/guilds, K of C, Holy Name Society, etc. can hold fund raisers to pay for vestments.

     One priest that I’ve worked with has his own approach to paying for vestments. He goes ahead and has the vestments made but will not wear them until they’re paid for.

     When the vestments are completed, he puts them on display along with a donation box and a sign stating the amount of money needed to cover their cost. After enough money is contributed and the vestments are paid for, the priest schedules a special ceremony for blessing them before Mass. With great pomp and circumstance he inaugurates the use of the new vestments.

     His method seems to work, he usually collects not only enough to pay for the vestments on display but often gets a donation to buy additional vestments. Other priests have tried his method and found the same results.
