Church Vestments and Textile Furnishings

French Roman Style Chasuble 



Our Services

The St. Benet's Guild~~~~~~

  • Offers a custom vestment and textile furnishing service.
  • Designs vestments in both the Roman and Gothic styles.
  • Uses quality liturgical fabrics and trims  for vestments and paraments.

The Guild makes~~~~~~~

  • Albs of fine imported cambric linen.
  • Low Mass vestment sets: chasuble, maniple, stole, chalice veil and burse.
  • High Mass sets: the above plus a cope.
  • Solemn High Mass sets: includes the above plus cope, dalmatics and other pieces.
  • Benediction copes and humeral veils.
  • Frontals and other paraments to match the vestments.


For more information email:



Gothic Style Chasuble